APPSC Group IV Paper I General Studies Biological Sciences Sample Questions | Biological Sciences Questions for APPSC Group 4 Paper 1 General Studies

APPSC Group IV Paper I General Studies Biological Sciences Sample Questions | Biological Sciences Questions for APPSC Group 4 Paper 1 General Studies


1. ____ helps in the survival and perpetuation of its race.
2. ____ are required for the synthesis of proteins.
3. The wavelength of visible light is ____
4. The energy present in the light rays is called ____
5. The energy particles of light rays are called ____
6. Green light is ____ by the chlorophyll pigments.
7. ____ regulate the exchange of gases and loss of water vapour in plants.
8. ____ can be used to test the presence of starch.
9. Grana are stacks of ____ membrane.
10. During photosynthesis chlorophyll molecules gets ____
11. ____ and ____are the end products of light reactions in photosynthesis.
12. ____ won the nobel prize for his work on photosynthesis.
13. First stable product formed in photosynthesis is ____
14. Examples of electron acceptors ____
15. The upper layer of cells in leaf is called ____
16. Stacks of thylakoid membranes is stroma are called ____
17. ____ is the life process that depend on light.
18. ____ is the process that helps in release of energy stored in carbohydrates.
19. Melvin Calvin got nobel prize for his studies on ____
20. Photosynthesis occurs in ____ part of the cell.
21. ____ process releases O2 into the atmosphere.
22. Green pigment is called ____
23. The end products of dark reaction ____
24. The kidney shaped cells which surround the stroma are called ____
25. The external factors that help photosynthesis are ____
26. The internal factors that help photosynthesis are ____
27. ____ is reduced in dark reaction.
28. ____ accepts CO2 in dark reaction.
29. The volume of CO2 present in the atmosphere is ____
30. Photosynthetic activity in green plants has to be tested ____
31. Green pigment is called ____
32. ____ organisms synthesize their own food.
33. The entire series of reactions which are involved in the conversion of CO2 to glucose is called ____
34. The electro magnetic radiation, has greater wavelength than visible light.

Photosynthesis – Answers
1. Reproduction 2. Amino acids
3. 400-700 nm 4. Quantum
5. Photons 6. Reflected
7. Stomata 8. Iodine
9. Thylokoid 10. Oxidised
11. ATP, NADPH 12. Melvin Calvin
13. PGA – Phospho Glyceric Acid
14. NAD/NADP/Cytochrome
15. Upper Epidermis 16. Grana
17. Photosynthesis 18. Respiration
19.Carbon fixation/Dark reaction
20. Chloroplast
21. Photosynthesis
22. Chlorophyll
23. Glucose
24. Guard cells
25. Light, CO2
26. Water, chlorophyll
27. Carbondioxide
28. Ribulose diphosphate
29. 0-03%
30. After exposing the plant to the light for 2-3 hours.
31. Chlorophyll
32. Autotrophic
33. Calvin cycle
34. Infra red rays

1. Substance that undergoes respiration is called ____
2. Fermentation produces ____ and ____
3. Inner folds of mitochondria are called ____
4. Inner compartment of mitochondria is called ____
5. Respiration in the absence of oxygen by micro organisms is called ____
6. The first stage of respiration is called ____
7. Simplest form of carbohydrates ready to undergo respiration is ____
8. Rate of ____ decreases when fruits are kept in cold storage.
9. Fruits can be ripened early by keeping them in a room at a temperature between ____
10. The scientist who studied the sequences of changes in citric acid cycle is ____
11. In citric acid cycle, acetyl CO-A combines with a four carbon compounds ____
12. The products formed in aerobic respiration are ____
13. In ATP, energy is stored in organic ____
14. The addition of high energy phosphate to ADP is called ____
15. The first phase in glucose oxidation is ____
16. Bacteria convert pyruvic acid to ____ in the absence of oxygen.
17. Maximum rate of respiration takes place at ____
18. Expand ATP ____
19. Conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid yields a net gain of ____
20. In germinating seeds ____ respiration is observed.
21. Cellular respiration takes place in ____
22. The carboxylic acid formed at the end of glycolysis is ____
23. The number of phosphate molecules present in ATP is ____
24. Synthesis of new molecules in a cell get energy from ____
25. Yeast cells convert pyruvic acid to ethanol in the absence of oxygen. This process is called ____
26. Kreb’s cycle is also called ____
27. The energy liberated from one ATP is ____ calories.
28. The net gain of ATP in the complete oxidation of one glucose are ____
29. The first stable compound in Kreb’s cycle is ____
30. In prokaryotes ____ takes care of energy production liberated.
31. ____ is life process in which energy is liberated.
32. Mitochondria are also called ____
33. The factors that control respiration are ____ and ____
34. The temperature at which respiration takes place is called ____
35. The gas which turns lime water milky is ____

Respiration – Answers
1. Respiratory substrates
2. Ethyl alcohol, Energy
3. Cristae
4. Matrix
5. Anaerobic Respiration
6. Glycolysis
7. Glucose
8. Respiration
9. 30°C – 40°C
10. Sir Hans Krebs
11. Oxalo Acetic Acid (OAA)
12. Carbondioxide, Water, Energy
13. Terminal Phosphate bond
14. Phosphorylation
15. Glycolysis
16. Lactic acid
17. 45°C
18. Adenosine Tri Phosphate
19. 2 ATP
20. Aerobic
21. Mitochondria
22. Pyruvic acid
23. 3
24. ATP
25. Fermentation
26. Citric acid cycle
27. 7200
28. 38
29. Citric acid
30. Cell membrane
31. Respiration
32. Power house of cells
33. Oxygen, Temperature
34. Optimal temperature
35. Carbon dioxide

1. Respiration in amoeba occurs by ____
2. The common name of larynx is ____
3. The scientific name for wind pipe of man is ____
4. In women ____ plays a major role in respiratory movements.
5. In frog nostrils open into ____
6. In earthworm haemoglobin is present in ____
7. Cutaneous respiration occurs in ____
8. Coelomic fluid in earthworm comes out through ____
9. Respiratory organs in cockroach are ____
10. Operculum present in ____
11. The structure that acts as a lid over glottis is ____
12. The shape of cartilaginous rings that support the trachea is ____
13. The rate of respiration per minute in a new born baby is ____
14. In man ____ plays a major role in respiratory movements.
15. Haemoglobin of blood transports both ____ and ____
16. The respiratory organs in animals that shows pulmonary respiration are ____
17. In earthworm, leech and salamander respiratory organ is ____
18. Dorsal pores occur in ____
19. The structural and functional units of lungs are ____
20. In man oral cavity and nasal cavity are separated by ____
21. In man, epiglottis is present in ____
22. In man larynx opens into ____
23. ____ surround and protect the lungs in man.
24. In lungs gaseous exchange occurs in ____
25. In man, air is humidified in ____
26. During ____ air enters the lungs.
27. Palate in man separates ____ from ____
28. In man epiglottis covers ____ as a lid.
29. In man, internal nares open into ____
30. Hibernation means ____ sleep.
31. In fishes ____ apertures open into pharynx.
32. During hibernation, a frog respires through ____
33. If the skin of frog dries up it ____
34. Earthworm lives in ____ soil.
35. In man trachea divides as ____
36. Single celled organisms take in oxygen from ____
37. Terrestrial animals take in oxygen from ____
38. In cockroach, the tracheal system opens to outside through ____
39. Number of stigmata in cockroach are ____
40. The first part of wind pipe is ____
41. The respiratory organs in aquatic respiration is ____
42. Respiration through gills is called ____
43. Respiration through lungs is called ____
44. Respiration through skin is called ____
45. Respiratory pigment is ____
46. External skeleton can be seen in ____
47. External branchial apertures can be seen in ____ fishes.
48. Respiratory rate per minute in 5 years child ____
49. Respiratory rate per minute in 25 years man ____
50. Respiratory rate per minute in 50 years man ____
51. ____ glands on the skin of earthworm and frog keep their skin moist.

Respiratory organs in animals – Answers
1. Diffusion
2. Voice box
3. Trachea
4. Ribs
5. Buccal cavity
6. Plasma
7. Earthworm/Frog/Salamander
8. Dorsal pores
9. Trachea
10. Bony fish
11. Epiglottis
12. ‘C’
13. 32 times
14. Diaphragm
15. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
16. Lungs
17. Skin
18. Earthworm
19. Alveoli
20. Palate
21. Pharynx
22. Trachea
23. Pleura
24. Alveoli
25. Nasal cavity
26. Inspiration
27. Nasal cavity, oral cavity
28. Glottis
29. Pharynx
30. Winter
31. Internal brancheal aperture
32. Skin
33. Dies
34. Moist
35. Left and right brancheoles
36. Water
37. Air
38. Stigmata
39. 10 pairs
40. Voice box/Larynx
41. Gills
42. Brachial respiration
43. Pulmonary respiration
44. Cutaneous respiration
45. Haemoglobin
46. Cockroach
47. Cartaginous
48. 26 times
49. 15 times
50. 18 times
51. Mucus

1. In unicellular organisms transport of substances occurs by ____
2. The pumping device in the transport system is ____
3. In earthworm, haemoglobin is present in ____ of blood.
4. In frog, the chamber that lies behind the auricle is ____
5. The chamber that is incompletely divided in the heart of reptiles is ____
6. The heart that pumps blood to lungs is called ____ heart.
7. A single circuit heart is found in ____
8. The colour of the blood in crabs and snails is ____
9. Lymph is a part of ____ system.
10. Animal without red blood cells is ____
11. In cockroach ____ muscles help in sending the blood into heart.
12. Caval veins in amphibians arise from ____
13. Blood sinuses occur in ____
14. A 13 chambered heart is present in ____
15. For the cell to grow it needs ____ along with food material.
16. In course of evolution special fluids like ____ and ____ have been developed for transport of substances.
17. Blood vessels are absent in metazoan animals like ____ and ____
18. The hearts of Megascolex connect ____ vessel and ____ vessel.
19. In Megascolex, in addition to blood ____ also transport substances.
20. From first chamber of cockroach heart arises the ____
21. Head sinus of cockroach receives blood from ____
22. Heart of cockroach is present in ____
23. In fishes, blood from ____ of heart goes to gills.
24. The chambers that lie side by side in frog are ____
25. In man aorta that supplies blood to all parts of the body is ____
26. The two chambers that are infront of ventricle in the heart of frog are ____
27. In birds and mammals ____ is sent to lungs for oxygenation.
28. The right auricle of frog receives ____ blood.
29. The left auricle of frog receives ____blood.
30. A double circuit circulation is present in ____
31. In closed type of circulation, blood flows in ____
32. In fishes the heart sends blood to gills, but in birds, reptiles and mammals it sends to ____
33. In cockroach the blood is ____ in colour.
34. The substance produced in one part of the body and taken to another part is called ____
35. Sinus venosus is associated with ____
36. Example for open type of circulatory system is ____
37. The blood vessel that gathers blood in earthworm is ____
38. The blood vessel that distributes blood in earthworm is ____
39. The ventral blood vessel in earthworm is present ____
40. Number of chambers in fish heart are ____
41. Number of chambers in frog heart are ____
42. Incompletely divided ventricle present in ____
43. The number of hearts in Megascolex are ____
44. The glands that secrete hormones are called ____
45. The blood vessel that acts as main vein in earthworm is ____
46. The blood vessel that acts as main artery in earthworm is ____
47. Branchial heart present in ____
48. In cockroach alary muscles are in ____ shape.
49. The scientific name of earthworm is ____
50. Number of hearts in birds and mammals are ____

Transport systems – Transport systems in various animals – Answers
1. Diffusion
2. Heart
3. Plasma
4. Ventricle
5. Ventricle
6. Pulmonary heart
7. Fish
8. Blue
9. Transport
10. Earthworm
11. Alary
12. Sinus venosus
13. Cockroach/Butterfly (Insects)
14. Cockroach
15. Water and oxygen
16. Blood, lymph
17. Insects, Molluscs
18. Dorsal and ventral blood vessels
19. Coelomic fluid
20. Head sinus
21. First chamber of heart
22. Pericardial sinus
23. Ventricle
24. Auricles
25. Oxygenated blood
26. Auricles
27. Blood
28. Deoxygenated blood
29. Oxygenated blood
30. Amphibians, reptiles, mammals
31. Blood vessels
32. Lungs and body parts
33. White
34. Hormones
35. Heart
36. Insects (Cockroach, Butterfly)
37. Dorsal blood vessel
38. Ventral blood vessel
39. Below the alimentary canal
40. 2
41. 3
42. Garden Lizard (reptiles)
43. 8 pairs
44. Endocrine glands
45. Dorsal blood vessel
46. Ventral blood vessel
47. Fish
48. Fan
49. Megascolex
50. 4

Solved Questions For GROUP IV General Science Paper I


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