ABB Latest Placement Paper Pattern Held at Bangalore

ABB Latest Placement Paper | ABB Latest Placement Paper Pattern Held at Bangalore

ABB Latest Placement Paper Pattern

1. in a ckt. We r giving voltage of 50 Hz as well as 60. then what will be the resultant frequency.
(a)less than 50 (b) more than 60 (c) in between 50 & 60 (d) none

2.In a ckt a single resistor is connected across a d.c. source, what will be the effect on current in first resistor if we connect one more resistance in parallel with earlier one….

3.why we don,t like flashover in transmission line (t-line)- (a ) it may create earth fault(b )it reduces the life of insulator…..
Read something about flashover & puncture. no of strands in a acsr conductor is 81, then what is the no. of conductor in its outer layer….(a)36 (b)18 (c)24…….Also read some more on acsr.

5.Two questions based on p.u. calculation like , p.u. calculation is given with respect to some old base and u have to calculate it with reference to new base. (new resistance/old)=(mva new /mva old)*(old voltage/new voltage) 2 Other question is based upon transfer of p.u calculation in transformer i.e. how base changes when we we move from primary tosecondary or like some more on p.u calculation.

6.which table is referred for sag calculation-
(a)stringing chart……answer a R-L ckt a ac voltage is applied , such that instantaneous power is negative for 2ms, then what will be the power factor.
(a) 9 deg, (b) 18 deg, (c) 36 Deg………..(I don,t know the correct ans)

8. In an incandescent lamp
(a) luminous intensity is more than non-luminous intensity (b) ,, ,, ,, less ,, ,, ,,

9. In which motor no-load to full-load diff. is lowest
(a) series motor, (b) shunt motor, (c) Compound motor

10. In a 60Hz induction motor full load speed is 850 rpm then what is the Synchronous speed.
(a) 900 rpm, (b) 950 rpm, (c) 1600rpm…

11. A sync. Motor is running at synch. Speed, if al of sudden D.C. excitation is removed, then
(a) it will rotate at slip speed, (b) it will stop, (c) it will continue to rotate at sync. Speed

12. A transmission line is designed for 50Hz, 440KV. If we want to transfer power at 60Hz, 440 KV, then the power transfer capability will
(a) decrease, (b) Increase, (c) None

13. Increased rotor resistance in rotor ckt of induction motor is related with
(a) high starting torque, (b) more speed variation,

14. In the formulae E = 4.44 f N ?, ? is
(a) Avg value, (b) Rms value, (c) Maximum value

15. Voltage & current in a ckt is given by V= V1+j V2 and I= I1 +j I2, then rms power is…

16. Input impedence of MOSFET is
(a) more than BJT

17, 18. Remember truth table of AND, NOR, NAND, OR, EX-OR ETC…

19. Conversion of Binary number into Equivalent decimal No.

20. Megger is used for the measurement of
(a) Insulation resistance, (b)Conductor resistance

21. Form factor for sinusoidal as well as DC

22. Formulae of Regulation (Vs- Vr)* 100/ Vr, then transmission line is
(a) short transmission line, (b) long, (c) medium

23. Improvement in power factor reduces
(a) power consumed by consumer, (b) power generation, (c) both a & b

24. Read about field test of Series Motor…

25. No-load test for Synchronous motor, the graph is drawn
(a) stator open ckt emf Vs field current

26. An AC voltage of 50Hz is impressed in a resistive ckt, the oscillating power has a frequency
(a) 50 Hz, (b) 100, (c) no oscillating power is there in resistive ckt

27. Insulation used in transformer ___________leakage flux.
(a) increases, (b) decreases

28.After rain what happens to Insulator
(a) break-down strength of Insulator decreases, (b)Arch length reduces

29.Diversity factor helps to …………(what ?) [Read diversity factor, load factor, Reserve capacity factor in depth, with calculation]

30. Why capacitance is shown as a Shunt element in analysis of transmission line
(a) it is between Conductor & earth, (b) because Admittance is used for calculation of capacitive reactance

31. B-R-Y sequence is followed in three phase system, if phase voltage in B-phase is Vm sin 100, then the phase voltage in R-phase would be
(a) Vm sin (-20)

32. In a particular ckt I = Im Sin (wt -270) and V = Vm Sin wt, then type of ckt is (a) pure resistive ckt

33. In a L-R ckt energy lost = 2000 W, energy conserved = 500W, then what is the time constant

34. In electro-dynamometer A,meter & wattmeter the type of scale is

35. For the same current carrying capacity corona loss of ACSR will be ________than copper conductor.
(a) more, (b) less, (c) equal. Ans: (b)


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